The image is a promotional photograph for a classical music event featuring two musicians: a violist and a pianist. On the left, the pianist is seated at a grand piano in an elegant room with a staircase in the background, wearing a teal dress and looking contemplatively to the side. On the right stands the violist, dressed in a strapless, patterned gown, holding her instrument and bow with a poised expression, as if ready to perform. The lighting suggests a calm, intimate atmosphere suitable for classical music. A graphic overlay in the top left corner shows "MAR 02" indicating the date of the event, with "MARS" beneath it, referring to March in French. The overall mood is one of sophistication and artistic focus.

Violist Marina Thibeault and Pianist Janelle Fung

SAT, MAR 02, 2024 • SAM 02 MARS 2024
7:30PM • 19h30
$12.50-$37.50/GENERAL SEATING

Cecilia Concerts | Classical Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | ViolaCecilia Concerts | Classical Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Piano

About this Concert

PROGRAM: Bray, Clarke, Pidgorna, Tabakova

ARTISTS: Marina Thibeault, viola; Janelle Fung, piano

Let the celebrated duo of JUNO Award-winning violist Marina Thibeault and multiple prize-winning pianist Janelle Fung take you on an extraordinary exploration of classical and contemporary sounds, featuring exclusively works by female composers. Immerse yourself in the energetic and vibrant rhythms of Dobrinka Tabakova's "Suite In Jazz," a piece that masterfully fuses the harmonic sophistication of classical music with the improvisational spirit of jazz. Experience "A Pärtian Meditation on an Invented Folksong" by Anna Pidgorna, a contemplative piece that invites reflection through its serene and expansive sonic landscape. Be moved by the emotional depth and lyrical beauty of Rebecca Clarke's "Sonata for Viola and Piano 1919," a groundbreaking work that showcases Clarke's rich melodic writing and the expressive potential of the viola. Let your imagination roam free with Charlotte Bray's "Invisible Cities," a contemporary masterpiece that draws inspiration from Italo Calvino's novel, crafting an aural landscape that will transport you to far-off, unseen places. Renowned for her rich and deep sound as well as her virtuosity and exceptional enthusiasm, violist Marina Thibeault invests the musical scene with an ever-renewed fervour as a chamber musician, concert artist, and soloist. With a Bachelor of Music from the Eastman School of Music, a Master of Music from the Juilliard School, and a Ph.D. from the University of Montreal, pianist Janelle Fung has performed widely and has won prizes at many prestigious national and international competitions. This concert is a unique opportunity to celebrate the achievements of female composers and musicians at the start of International Women's Week on March 2, with a program that highlights the diversity and richness of women's contributions to classical and contemporary music. Main Stage Concert Series Major Sponsor: Scotiabank. Season Sponsor: Jules Chamberlain / Red Door Realty. Presented in partnership with Dalhousie University's Fountain School of Performing Arts.

À propos de ce concert

PROGRAMME : Bray, Clarke, Pidgorna, Tabakova

ARTISTES : Marina Thibeault, alto; Janelle Fung, piano

Laissez le célèbre duo composé de l'altiste Marina Thibeault, lauréate d'un prix JUNO, et de la pianiste Janelle Fung, lauréate de plusieurs prix, vous emmener dans une exploration extraordinaire des sonorités classiques et contemporaines, avec des œuvres exclusivement composées par des femmes. Plongez dans les rythmes énergiques et vibrants de la "Suite In Jazz" de Dobrinka Tabakova, une pièce qui fusionne magistralement la sophistication harmonique de la musique classique et l'esprit d'improvisation du jazz. Découvrez "A Pärtian Meditation on an Invented Folksong" d'Anna Pidgorna, une pièce contemplative qui invite à la réflexion grâce à son paysage sonore serein et expansif. Laissez-vous émouvoir par la profondeur émotionnelle et la beauté lyrique de la "Sonate pour alto et piano 1919" de Rebecca Clarke, une œuvre révolutionnaire qui met en valeur la richesse de l'écriture mélodique de Clarke et le potentiel expressif de l'alto. Laissez libre cours à votre imagination avec "Invisible Cities" de Charlotte Bray, un chef-d'œuvre contemporain qui s'inspire du roman d'Italo Calvino, créant un paysage sonore qui vous transportera dans des lieux lointains et invisibles. Reconnue pour sa sonorité riche et profonde, sa virtuosité et son enthousiasme exceptionnel, l'altiste Marina Thibeault investit la scène musicale avec une ferveur sans cesse renouvelée en tant que chambriste, concertiste et soliste. Titulaire d'un baccalauréat en musique de l'Eastman School of Music, d'une maîtrise en musique de la Juilliard School et d'un doctorat de l'Université de Montréal, la pianiste Janelle Fung s'est produite sur scène à de nombreuses reprises et a participé à de nombreux concerts en France et à l'étranger.Commanditaire principal de la série de concerts Main Stage - Banque Scotia. Commanditaire de la saison - Jules Chamberlain / Red Door Realty. Présenté en partenariat avec la Fountain School of Performing Arts de l'Université Dalhousie.