Make a Securities Donation Online

Cecilia Concerts depends on charitable donations to maintain the high quality of existing programming, create exciting new presentations, and expand our abilities to bring classical music to more audiences as well as foster music appreciation by making classical music more free and accessible to young people in our community. Individual donations have helped make hundreds of Cecilia Concerts performances and education programs possible for more than thirty years.

The donation of Securities or Mutual Funds will enable you to take advantage of the added tax benefits associated with these types of contributions – instead of selling your stocks, bonds or mutual funds and donating the proceeds, you can eliminate capital gains tax by donating them directly to Cecilia Concerts. After completing the securities donation form below, your transaction will be processed through Canada Help's fully secure server. Your donation is fully tax-deductible, and you will receive a charitable tax receipt directly from Canada Helps. Thank you for your donation! Charitable Registration Number: 894903012RR0001